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Wendy Meadows: From the Courtroom to the Bestseller List

Wendy Meadows, the brilliant mind behind the bestselling book "Sparkle & GRIT," has proven that pursuing your passion can lead to extraordinary success.

About 15 years in her career as a family law attorney, Wendy started to feel a pull. She knew there was something else out there but couldn’t quite put her finger on it. After doing some soul searching and reflecting on her own experiences as an overworked attorney and burned out mom, she decided she wanted to share her experiences and coach other female lawyers.

When she decided to make this transition she knew a book would be  great to get her message out there and establish herself.

But like most people, she was filled with doubts and concerns:

  • How do I structure a book?
  • How do I outline a book?
  • Who will hold me accountable?
  • How do I make sure it is legit?
  • Once I write it, how will I actually get it published?
  • How do I make it available for sale?
  • How do I go from an idea to a real book I can hold and give?

Even with the doubts, she was giving it a shot trying to do it on her own. Unfortunately, she kept getting stuck and the doubts would creep back in. After hearing our founder speak at a conference, Wendy made the decision to go all in and hire Big Idea To Bestseller to help her complete her book.

She knew that with the right support, she would be able to execute and that is exactly what she did. As soon as she started working with our team, everything began to click. She started to enjoy the process as she worked with our team. She met with one of our Author Coaches who helped her refine her narrative and create a manuscript she was incredibly proud of and excited to share and talk about.

Within 6 months of working with our team, Wendy went from big idea to instant bestseller in multiple categories getting thousands of copies of her book in the hands of eager readers.

Unleashing Opportunities through Speaking Engagements and Podcasts

Once her book was officially launched, her life immediately changed.

  • She started getting multiple requests per week to speak.
  • She was invited to do 15+ podcasts in her first month of launching.
  • She became a recognized figure in her community
  • She instantly had more confidence in her work and business

It didn’t stop there. As she continued to promote her book, the opportunities kept rolling in.

  • She was invited to be the keynote speaker at a massive event where every attendee would receive a copy of her book.
  • The Beverly Hills Bar Association asked her to deliver a CLE (continued legal education) to all their constituents

In Wendy’s words, everything changed for her. Instead of being just another member at a networking event, she was the featured author of the group. People came up to her asking about her book and what she did. Event hosts started to introduce her to everyone because of the fact that she was now a bestselling author. Looking back, Wendy says that writing a book has been one of the best things she’s done. She encourages everyone who’s ever thought of writing a book to do it.

Wendy Meadows's journey from family law attorney to bestselling author is a testament to the remarkable transformations possible when you follow your passion and partner with the right team. Her story is an inspiration for anyone with a dream to share their knowledge and make a lasting impact.

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How Bridgette’s Book Helped Her Scale A Thriving Business Doing What She Loves

Bridgette Boucha was starting to hit her groove. Her company was growing and she was helping entrepreneurs around the world with their finances. But there was one big problem… Bridgette knew her business could grow but she needed to reach more people for it to happen. As a successful businesswoman and visionary, she recognized that a book could be the gateway to expanding her reach and impact. Yet, like many aspiring authors, Bridgette had her initial hesitations and concerns about embarking on the book-writing journey. She lacked guidance, clarity, and time was always a scarce resource.

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